Guard Your Vibe in the Spa Room

Our work is so deeply energetic. You ever feel uplifted and energized by clients?

Or drained and down by others?

That’s because in the intimate spaces, with our hands on people as they relax + transform - there’s an energy release + exchange.

It’s important as empathetic service providers that we work to hold space for our clients, not hold their emotions/energy for them.

Here are my tips for keeping your peace in the spa room.

  1. When you feel triggered by someone’s energy, hold your middle finger + thumb together and take a deep breath - this is a closed loop of your energy and it declares that you’re not giving away your energy or taking anyone else’s on.

  2. Wash your hands before and after your service (obviously for sanitation purposes!) but also to symbolize releasing ties and the energetic connection between you and the client.

  3. Manage your mindset + intention - although we come into our industry deeply craving to care for others with our creative + compassionate spirit, we aren’t here to “fix” anyone or anything - we can only guide them to do the work themselves - we have to let them feel + experience what they will

    • My favorite “prayer” or mantra before beginning is “Let this service be exactly what this person needs in their life.” Because even if it is below their expectations and they have a terrible time - maybe they finally decide that they need to go to therapy because a facial didn’t fix all their problems like they deep-down had hoped it would

  4. We can’t be everything for everybody - but we can guide our clients to the best of our abilities while they are in the space with us. And we are human. And so are they. Give yourselves and them some grace. We are whole people, guiding other people to express their light as best as they can.

If you’d like to dive into this a little more, watch my YouTube video on the subject!

How To Guard Your Vibe in the Spa Room

This whole post and video were inspired by the members of “The Empathetic Esthetician” facebook group where we discuss serving in our industry on a soul-level.

A spa room with white walls, white linens on the spa bed and sunshine through the window. There are pink accents to the room in the rug and the floral decor. The image text reads “Keep your peace in the spa room. How to guard your vibe.”

Ask yourself this question before you hit "Post"

Babe, I freaking love social media. Facebook and Instagram are my jam. I’m getting into TikTok a bit as well.

But I digress - I enjoy it because I feel connected to people, and it is so phenomenal to have a network of people to talk to.

But sometimes I also use it to get validation from others. When I have a bad day, I look to be uplifted.

Also, when I’m celebrating myself, it is fucking fun to feel cheered on by others too.

There’s nothing wrong in seeking validation through social media.

But my FAVORITE PART? It’s when I am able to also GIVE VALUE to my network.

I have the chance to speak life into their dreams, goals, accomplishments, tasty looking food, bomb brow work, cute ‘fit and all.

Even on my own posts, I often ask my network to shout themselves out, to share something important to them, to contribute to the conversation - I genuinely enjoy getting to know them + giving them a space to shine.

When it comes to our beauty business, we especially need to have awareness about what we hope to get from clicking “post” -

Are we seeking to hype ourselves up and showcase our awesomeness? (GET IT BABE!) - Or are we posting to give value in empathizing needs, solving problems, inviting connection and relationships?

Light Teal Course Reminder LinkedIn Post.png

My darling, impressing someone else can make you feel good. And that’s great. But it doesn’t build businesses quickly.

When we cultivate connections, we plant seeds for our business to flourish so much more quickly.

If you’d like to dive into this topic more, I invite you to check out my YT video here.

Are you ready for a workshop that will blow your mind on a quick shift to build that connection?

Get the story-shift pre-recorded workshop here!

My number one piece of advice for New Estheticians

I had the privilege of working with a few hundred phenomenal students - who are now professionals - while teaching at cosmetology schools over the course of 3 years.

I gave them a lot of heartfelt advice - both for their careers and for life. And one piece in particular stands out, and it is my favorite to bestow upon new graduates who are looking for their first job.

It really sets the tone for your whole career, and possibly the rest of your life.

You need to know this and carry it with you in every interview, spa space, and career move.

I recently shared this nugget with some members of my facebook group “The Empathetic Esthetician"

You are a gift and a blessing to your place of work.

You carry a light about you, your heart, your vibe, and it is able to uplift everyone you come into contact with. You are an asset to any salon environment that you choose to grace. With you comes your talent, education, skills, life experience, circle of friendship and influence of your network.

You are not to be undervalued.

I hope that this will help you in your job search and while you are looking for a place to land to keep you from compromising on things that may dim your light. Don’t settle for a commission rate that hurts your heart. Don’t perform services that don’t vibe with your soul.

Hold your head high and walk into that interview knowing that you are looking to see if THEY are a good fit for YOU.

Our industry needs you to be in a place where your creativity and juices flow. Our society needs you to be excited about the work you are doing everyday. Your clients need you to be so ready to hold space for their needs and transformation.

So please, heed my advice and understand that your light needs to shine bright in service, for the service of all.

If you want to hear me speak on this topic - here is the link to YouTube!


Easily Add Retail to your Esthetician Business

If your new year’s resolution in 2021 is to make more money with the skills and knowledge you have as an esthetician, I have a wonderful opportunity for you.

I want to help you sell more skin care.

LimeLife by Alcone has created poducts that are lovely, uncomplicated, beautifully packaged, affordable & luxurious. You’d make at least a 20% commission from the sales.

For me, this brand has allowed me to expand my solo esthetician business beyond waxing and lash extensions to facials, body treatments and retailing makeup and skin care.


You can align yourself with this brand for $42 and you’ll get:

  • an “affiliate link” where people can purchase products and you make the commission

  • access to a 20% wholesale discount for industry leading makeup and skin care free from harmful chemicals

  • A starter kit with our best-selling mascara, skin care samples, foundation matching cards and 12 catalogs

  • If you are the owner of your establishment, you may display for retail $500 worth of product in your space

  • Tons of coaching and resources to help you take your business where you’d like it to go

There are no:

  • Monthly minimum orders

  • Auto-ships

  • Thousand dollar investments required

This really is phenomenal. This really is possible for you.

To find more details, click here

Creating Promotions that EXPAND your beauty business

Promotions can be a super effective marketing technique to grow your business, but how do you know if yours will expand your business or minimize your value?

I know from experience that offering a discount to drive traffic isn’t always helpful. Years ago, before I was a solo esthetician, I worked at a salon and spa where they created a groupon for body waxing in order to drive traffic and help establish a waxing clientele.

It was the most successful groupon campaign that the salon had done - selling around 40 deals. I slaved over my wax pot making something like a measley $15 per person (after groupon and my salon owneres took their cut) - one woman who got a series of brazilian waxes had the audacity to tell me “Oh I am not just here for the groupon, I’ll definitely be back for more waxes.” and POOF - gone like a ghost.

Volume and traffic may have brought more bodies in the door, but it didn’t bring value to me or my business overall.

Instead of simply discounting product or services to increase customer & sales volume, consider these methods:

  • Cross Promotion - encourage a guest to try another type of service or referring a friend

    • A punch card with “Get 10 brow waxes, get a complimentary 30 minute facial.”

    • Referral program “For every friend you refer, you each get 15% off your service”

  • Adding Value - increase the experience or value of the service instead of detracting the price - more for the same price instead of same for the lesser price

    • Free hot-stone add on with every facial for the month of January

      • BONUS if the add-on doesn’t add any product/time costs to you!

  • Creating Opportunities for Relationships - strategically targeting specific people to benefit from a discounted service in anticipation that they will recommend you to their networks or come back frequently

    • When you first open, consider offering a discount to local business owners who already have a large established network. Or even offering complimentary mini services to hair stylists in your salon - this can create relationships and open up for a lot of referrals

    • When I offer specials on my lash extension services, the majority of my clientele comes back every two weeks for fills - this discount creates a relationship and more paid services!

You deserve to have a successful, thriving business and have clients who are excited to pay you your worth.

If you’d like my guidance in curating a business that feels amazing, lights you up, and helps you live out your life’s mission, consider my course “Authentic Business with Empathetic Beauty

If you have more questions for me, join my facebook group “The Empathetic Esthetician

or Find me on YouTube and subscribe to my videos!

Using your shadows to light up your Beauty Business

So many of us are called to the beauty industry so that we can serve other people from our hearts. We love to connect and share and support our clients in their beauty transformations and often, their lives as a whole.

I have a feeling that there is a huge portion of us who have suffered a lot of pain in our life - I call this our shadow - and we bring that shadow to work with us, whether we are aware of it or not.

How many of us are in touch with these shadows? How many of us know what triggers deep emotions and memories of the pain? How often are we even triggered by the clients we work with?

Some people may be discouraged from our profession when they realize that at some point, in order to build a thriving and sustainable business, they need to be in touch with the darkness that is inside of them.

When we come into contact with real humans with real lives and real pain on a daily basis, sometimes it can be TOO MUCH for those of us who feel so deeply - the empathetic people of the world.

But this is typically because we are not yet at peace with our shadows. It is hard.

I know first hand.

My first year as an entrepreneur and solo esthetician was also the hardest year in my marriage. I went to therapy so many times. I adjusted my Zoloft dosage. I gained a lot of weight from stress eating.

Then I realized that avoiding my pain was holding me back in business. I wasn’t feeling comfortable in becoming more “visible” to meet more potential clients. My interactions were feeling stifled and forced.

So I made big changes. I decided to become sober. I got clear with myself about my other, seemingly “benign” addictions. I cried a lot. I freaked out a lot. I felt like I was having a full blown tantrum at the age of 30.

And then something changed. I found clarity.

Through all the mess, I found my message. I found my values. I found my voice.

I no longer create fluff social media messaging that blends in with the rest - my empathy and my values ring loud and clear and magnetize my clients.

I am unabashedly myself and my relationships are flourishing - my clients adore me and they refer so many of their friends and family to have the same experiences at my spa table.

I have countless strangers reach out to me for mentorship from YouTube and Pinterest - and all because I let my bullshit fertilize my business.

I’m excited to lead an intensive course in which I guide you to do the same.

The bones of the course are as follows:

Module 1:

Using your “why” to attract clients

Life stories, values, & your personal purpose - diving deep into resilience & your "why"

Module 2:

Personal Branding & Touch-points

Sharing your joy and message in every interaction - social media strategy

Module 3:

Local Celebrity

Getting the most out of your local network to grow your business steadily

Module 4:

Balance & Boundaries

Self-care as you care for others

Module 5:

Grow Beyond the Course

How to set goals & be in alignment with your inspired future


If this resonates with you at all, lets get on a call to figure out if we will work well together!

Fill out this form for me, and I look forward to talking to you soon!


Social Media Strategy for Estheticians

I LOVE social media. I think it is so fun and a brilliant way to connect with new people. I also have a knack for finding clients through social media channels and really growing both my brick-and-mortar business as an esthetician as well as my online makeup and skin care business by using social media.

My main stomping grounds are Facebook and Instagram. I tried SnapChat for a while but I lost interest, but I bet that could work in your favor, too.

I figured that with so many people reaching out to me for coaching in their Esthetics businesses that I could highlight some of my favorite social media strategies - and I’m kicking it off with a 7 day Social Media Challenge!

If you find these useful, let me know!

Find me on facebook or join my group “The Empathetic Esthetician


share your inspired future

Get ready to shift the energy of your social media toward high quality relationships, trust and client leads!

Our first challenge may be intimidating for you - but that is a GOOD THING - it means it will change you!

DAY 1 TASK: I want you to share your INSPIRED FUTURE with your network. ⭐

What is an "inspired" future, you ask? Your wildest dreams, the butterflies in your stomach, #liveyourbestlife future.

Did your stomach flip yet?

I know this feels vulnerable - joy often does. It is more brave to risk joy than to stay stuck and struggle. It is all hard work - choose your hard.

I know I would rather choose joy, and that is why I am here leading you guys. 🙌❤

Joy is magnetic. Big dreams are beautiful and inspiring. And guess what? When people Like, Know and Trust you, they want to cheer you on and help you get to your goals.

[ 📖 (Audio) Book recommendation: Why She Buys ]

Example Post:

"You guys, I'm kind of peeing my pants a little bit. I've been challenged to share my big inspired future for my esthetics business with my friends and family, so here goes!

One day I want to own a big resort day spa in Guatemala. I am so passionate about high quality spa services that transform the skin and soul. Have you been to Guatemala? There is something so beautiful and magical about that place. I'm called to be there and to bring such joy to everyone in that space.

I know that right now I'm still in esthetics school and I have 4 more months until I graduate, but it is never too early to dream big and share my joy for my future. I'm so thankful for all of my friends and family who have supported me this far, my heart is on fire for this new chapter and a chance for me to serve you all in such beautiful ways.


Make sure to:
⭐ Bring BIG EMOTIONS - talk about your family, why you love this work, your joy, healing, etc.
⭐ Post in the late afternoon or evening, Sunday nights are BIG for engagement and talking about goals as people get ready for the week
⭐ Interact with all the comments! Facebook algorithm loves comments.

Now start digging deep and compose your post! I wanted to share this earlier in the day so that you have time to think & create something meaningful to you.

ask “would you rather”

Our goal is to drum up some interest in our services and also learn more about our network's preferences!

Make a simple text post or add a simple photo (While the facebook poll feature is fun, we need comments to create conversations!) and ask your guests "Would you rather...?" Between TWO OR MORE BENEFITS that you offer.

Spoiler, they might say BOTH or ALL OF IT!

Example Post:
"Darlings, I'm doing some research.

Would you be more excited in a facial for
hot aromatic steam towels
a moisturizing hand and arm massage?"


"Hey friends!

I'm hoping to learn more about my network preferences- when it comes to lash services are you looking for longer, thicker or darker lashes?"

⭐ Remember, interact with every comment, ask questions to learn more like "Okay! Have you had a facial before?" Or "I love dark lashes too! Do you wear mascara every day?"

⭐ You'll be surprised to see who comments - people love to be helpful and share their opinion! At the same time they are learning more about you and developing trust with you as someone who can take care of their desires!

share a testimonial screen shot

This one MIGHT feel a little uncomfortable. Or a lot.

1. I need you to privately message someone to give you a testimonial of their experience with you AND if you can share it anonymously.
2. Screenshot it. (Listen, I know it may feel odd but this is so #empatheticbeauty right here - it is personal, relatable and authentic)
3. Use a photo editor to block out the name and photo and irrelevant parts of the conversation

Then write a quick blurb about how you are thankful for the review and ask a question like "Have you ever had such a great experience with your esthetician?"

Example Post:

[Screenshot] "I'm so glad I saw you for my brows - you listened to what I wanted and even filled them in with makeup - it was the first time I felt "on fleek" as the kids say!"

I'm so thank for my client feedback! Have you had a good experience with your brows lately?

⭐ You may want to ask more than one person for a review so you can pick from them or in case they take a while to reply (you can save another review post for later!)
⭐ You may not get a ton of comments on this post, but your network will SEE it and it will speak volumes toward building trust with future clientele


inspire your network!

This post is little different. It doesn't pertain directly to being an esthetician, but definitely has a lot to do with your business.

I don't know about you, but I feel incredibly fortunate to have a job that doesn't "feel like work." My cup is overflowing every day from my work as an esthetician. It brings me so much joy and inspiration.

Today's task has 2 parts:
1) Comment something joyful, uplifting or encouraging on 3 different posts or friends timelines - these are JOY DEPOSITS
2) Share an inspirational quote that SPEAKS TO YOU right now. You can make a caption like "These words speak to me at this season of my life. I wonder if they will light someone else up, too."

⭐ You want to be known as a source of joy and inspiration - joy is so magnetic! Leave joy sprinkled on others posts all over SM
⭐ People want services from those who love their jobs - if they know you are a happy person they subconsciously believe they will be happy leaving the spa with you too
⭐ Use a photo text app like "WordSwag" to superimpose the quote on your face - it makes for some fierce personal branding

Have fun with this!
I go to Pinterest for my quotes frequently when I need fresh words.

More stuff on personal branding tomorrow, but for now - comment when you've made 3 joy deposits and screen shot your own quote!

fine tune your personal brand

What is your ideal business vibe? Think about 2 years ahead from now. What do you want to be known for? What colors are your scheme?

How about starting that process today?!
It starts with awareness and an inventory of the "brand" you are putting off

💎 Task: ASK YOUR NETWORK "I'm curious and doing a little research, what comes to mind when you think of me?" --> this will be incredibly helpful feedback!

Also scroll through your timeline - memes and all - and ask yourself honestly - does it show who you want to be in your business?

That's not to say you can't "be yourself" on social media - but you have to ask yourself if being "your best self with a thriving business" is going to be WHO YOU ARE.

⭐ Low-vibe and negativity (complaining) often repels others from your page, your business, yourself
⭐ You can talk about hard things and touchy subjects - but use empathy and kindness with yourself and others - this can actually be very magnetizing when you stand in authenticity

share a skin care tip

This post will position yourself as a trusted resource for skin care and helpful knowledge.

Make a post where you share a seasonal skin care tip. It can be simply -

"As the seasons change, you may want to consider switching to a heavier moisturizer than what you'd use in the summer time!"


"As the trees shed their dead leaves, we should shed our dead skin! Exfoliating weekly keeps our skin healthy."

⭐ Post images seasonal items (Leaves, scarves) or products you recommend - just avoid corporate images if possible - studies have shown that they don't attract as much attention as even YOU holding the product in a selfie or it sitting on your bathroom counter, or your feet in fuzzy socks
⭐ If you have the ability to retail this product, don't say so in the main post - only mention it if someone asks! Definitely don't post links - the algorithm burries posts with external links (wait for someone to ask!)


share a soulful story

Share a "soulful story" with your network.

Now I'm not talking about bearing your trauma or talking about when you decided to become baptized IF you don't feel inclined to share - I want you to give a snippet into your connection to Source and the Divine even if it is expressing gratitude about a hot cup of coffee you had in your favorite mug. ☕❤ Or how you get such warm fuzzies when your kids give sleepy snuggles.


We do a soulful share because WE KNOW that our guests are transformed from our services more than what appears on the outside - have you had a client cry because they've never loved their lashes so much and their reflection is healing? Or their facial allowed them to relax deeper than they had in years?

When you share your alignment and sensitivity to the beautiful moments in life, they will be more comfortable coming to you for their own magical transformation.

⭐ add a photo of yourself or something "lifestyle" - a peek into your daily life
⭐ ask a question at the end of your post like "does coffee in your favorite mug make YOU feel some kinda way? What else does?"

Do me a favor and don't think too long on this one. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and share what is on your heart.

Anti-Aging Facial Protocol with LimeLife Skin Care

My darlings!

I have had a lot of input asking for demonstrations and protocols of how I use LimeLife skin care professionally. I FINALLY took time to get a model and record a video. You can check it out HERE! I did get cut-off after applying the eye-serum - OOPS.

Supply list:

Dry goods: Cotton rounds, Mask brush, mask bowls, jade rollers, gua-sha tools, towels

LimeLife Products: Make-Off Remover spray, Midnight Oil Cleanser, Quench Cleanse, Skin Polish, Dew Date, Sotoks, One Drop Wonder, Midnight Oil Serum, Eye Arise, Skin Therapy, Forty-Cure Cream, Perfect Sunscreen

(My shopping link for the LimeLife Products: here - You can get a wholesale discount and partner with LimeLife, too, ask me about it here)

LimeLife Anti-Aging Protocol:

Focusing on bringing hydration, reducing hyperpigmentation, restoring elastin and collagen production in the skin.

Prep & Cleanse: 

Remove Makeup - Make Off Spray & cotton rounds. Pre-cleanse the skin with water and effleurage with Midnight Oil Cleanser. Perform cleansing manipulations with Quench Cleanse. Remove with a hot steam towel. 

Skin Analysis

Determine areas of concern, looking for fine lines, dryness, lack of collagen/elastin or hyperpigmentation. 


Apply Skin Polish in a thin layer and let set for 2 minutes while performing light scalp massage with Dew Date. Use long rhythmic strokes to move mask over skin and roll off the debris with emphasis on the upward strokes until all product is removed (This may take upward of 10 minutes). 

Sweep face with Dew Date to help with mask removal and proceed to remove with hot steam towel. 


Mix 2 pumps Sotoks 2 drops One Drop Wonder in a bowl and use brush to paint on face as a mask that will be massaged in shortly. Sweep neck and shoulders with 4 drops of the midnight oil serum and then a layer of massage oil for a good slip. Perform effleurage on decollete, shoulders and neck for 5 minutes. Moving up to the face, perform effleurage in upward motion to massage in the serums and increase circulation. 


On target areas of concern, press in a drop of Eye Arise serum and massage for 15 seconds each. Using Gua Sha Jade or Rose Quartz tools, or fingers, perform targeted massages as if “erasing” the fine lines and areas of concern - this facilitates product penetration and reinvigorates collagen and elastin production. Use another drop of Midnight Oil Serum on face if there needs to be more slip. 


As a method of heat therapy and to assist in product penetration place hot towel on face and massage the hands or feet for 4 minutes using the Forty-Cure Cream. Gently remove towel from face, not sweeping to removing product. 

Wrap second hot towel in dry towel to create a warm compress and drape across the chest - bring in jade rollers to do a cool therapy facial massage, focusing on lymphatic processes. 


Apply eye serum around eyes. Sweep midnight oil serum across decollete, neck and face. Apply two pumps of Skin Therapist. Apply Perfect Sunscreen.

If you want to learn more from me or get to know me better, connect on facebook and join my group “The Empathetic Esthetician

Not pictured from the supply list: Forty-Cure Cream & Perfect Sunscreen

Not pictured from the supply list: Forty-Cure Cream & Perfect Sunscreen