
self-knowledge: human design reading

Human Design is a modality of self-knowledge that combines the body chakra system with the planets and stars from your birth chart - this creates a unique blueprint that shares how we best thrive in this world and how we may be most highly aligned with our purpose in life.

Emailed Basic Chart Reading: $33


re-think your socials and “Do beauty differently”

Download the digital guide + walk through the 4 sections that will help you discern your authentic marketing BEST-PRACTICES that will enable you to stand apart from trends + your “competitors.” At the end of the guide, you’ll have your own Marketing Blueprint to revisit whenever you need!

Digital Download PDF: $22

Want to pick my brain? Schedule a coaching call.

Great if you have burning questions or would like one-time access to Dierdre's experience + expertise

1 hour call: $50

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brand your vibe: Nail your secret sauce, show up + serve!

The best part of your beauty business is actually YOU!

Uncover your personal values, stand tall in your awesomeness + lay the foundation for an incredibly fulfilling, rewarding career that serves the world with your innate light.

In this 6 week course, I’ll be teaching lessons BIG + SMALL from over 10 years in the industry.

Your ease, clarity + confidence in magnetizing your dream clients awaits.